"The Bhartiya Janata Party (BJP) seems to be suffering from Organizational disorder. The party and its leadership have the desire to be projected as the biggest, largest. No. 1 in the world, tallest etc. The facts do not matter, the irrelevant glory is all that matters. A dangerous self-destructive trend is clearly getting visible.
In this episode I take a look the BJPs claimed membership numbers – Eighteen crores which is close to 13% of India’s population. BJP attained the position of the ‘World’s largest Political Party’ nipping China’s Communist Party around 2015.
The BJP has a rather opaque method od adding members and then declaring the membership numbers. Increasing memberships is an event in itself and appears like it is forced upon people. Otherwise, which other political party would accept members on getting a missed call?
With this erratic strategy and erratic behavioral pattern, BJP finds itself in the company of parties run by Erdogan of Turkey (Justice and Development Party), Abiy Ahmed of Ethiopia (Prosperity Party) and Tahreek-e-Insaaf of Pakistan headed by Imran Khan.
The transparent and methodical methods of acquiring members remain with China’s Communist Party, and the Republican & Democrats of the US.
I also show that in India, it really does not matter how many members a party has. It is an irrelevant piece of statistics. What matter is the people who ultimately vote for the party.
So all that money spent by the BJP to acquired the 18 crores members has actually gone down the drain with no benefits to the BJP, the voters or citizens at large.
The money spend is only to glorify the few top leaders of the party.
Watch the full episode.
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